North Henderson Band Boosters, Inc.
Article I
Name, Location, Purpose & Scope
Section 1: Name
The name of the organization shall be North Henderson Band Boosters, Inc.
Section 2: Location
The address of the North Henderson Band Boosters, Inc. is 224 Thompson St. #233, Hendersonville, NC 28792. The primary meeting location for the North Henderson Band Boosters, Inc. shall be in the Band Room at North Henderson High School at 35 Fruitland Rd., Hendersonville, NC 28792.
Section 3: Purpose
The North Henderson Band Boosters, Inc. (henceforth also referred to as “Boosters”) is organized exclusively for educational and charitable purposes. The purpose of this organization shall be to support the sponsored activities of the band program at North Henderson High School. It is recognized that the school district’s funding is inadequate to support the superior type of band program and activities desired by the Boosters, the Band Director and students.
The Boosters also recognize that the key to active support of the students and activities by members and sponsors is being informed of needs, requirements and events. Accordingly we endeavor to maintain accurate and timely communication with all school administration, Booster members and supporters so that we can fulfill our overriding purposes of:
The Boosters will engage in fundraising activities to supplement school funds in order to enhance the band program and its activities. The Boosters will solicit, collect, and otherwise handle and dispose of funds in the promotion of the North Henderson High School Band with the advice and counsel of the Band Director.
The Boosters shall at all times cooperate with North Henderson High School to support the improvement of music education in ways that will not interfere with the administration of the school and shall not seek to control the school’s policies.
Article II
Section 1: Membership Requirement
Membership in the Boosters is automatic to those parents/guardians of active band students and shall be made available without regards to race, color, religion, sex handicap, national origin or familial status. Membership is open to alumni band students and their parents/guardians interested in advancing the Booster’s purposes as stated in the Articles of Incorporation and who are willing to subscribe to the Bylaws. Only parents/guardians of active band students at North Henderson High School are eligible to hold office, be elected to the Board of Directors and vote at meetings.
Section 2: Member Meetings
Regular meetings: The Boosters membership shall meet once bi-monthly during the school year, unless otherwise provided by resolution of the Boosters or the Board. A quorum shall consist of those members present plus a minimum of two Board Members.
Annual Meeting: An annual meeting will take place in April for the purpose of electing officers and directors, receiving annual reports from officers and committee chairs, approving the budget for the following year, as well as any other business that may arise. A quorum shall consist of those members present plus a minimum of two Board Members.
Special Meetings: The President may call special meetings for the Board, the purpose of the meeting shall be stated in the call. A quorum shall consist of those members present plus a minimum of two Board Members.
Section 3: Voting Rights
Voting members shall be an active member in the North Henderson Band Boosters, Inc. An active member is defined as a parent or guardian in the band program whose student account has not been declared delinquent by the Board. What is deemed delinquent will also be determined by the Board. Each member shall be entitled to one vote on each matter submitted to a vote of the members. A member must be present to vote..
Section 4: Membership Term
Membership in the Boosters shall begin on June 1 and end the following May 31. Members may resign at any time by notifying the current President. Members may be expelled upon motion by the President and verified by a majority of a quorum of the membership present. Before such action is taken, the member concerned shall receive written notification at least two weeks prior to a vote, and be granted an opportunity to be heard at a regular meeting of the Boosters.
Article III
Board of Directors
Section 1: Management
The Board of Directors shall be comprised of the following five elected positions: President; Vice-President; Co-Treasurer; Co-Treasurer; and Secretary. The Board is responsible for the overall policy and direction of the Boosters. The board receives no compensation. The North Henderson High School Band Director has the right to attend and participate at all meetings of the Board, but shall have no voting powers.
Section 2: Board Decisions
The act of a majority of the Executive Board present at a meeting at which a quorum is called, shall be the act of the Board of Directors.
Section 3: Board Relationship with Band Director and School Administration
The Board shall not interfere with the day-to-day operation of the school. The Board will involve the band director in decisions of the Booster’s Board of Directors. If at any time a member of the Board of Directors should stray from the purpose set forth in the bylaws, the North Henderson High School Band Director and Principal has the authority to initiate an appropriate course of action to remove the board member from office.
Section 4: Board Meetings
Regular Meetings: The board shall meet at least monthly, at an agreed upon time and place.
Annual meeting: Each April, at the annual meeting, officers for the upcoming school and fiscal year will be elected and begin a one (1) month transition to their new role which will take effect on the last day of the school year.
Special Meetings: Special meeting of the Board of Directors may be called by the President or at the request of any three directors at an agreed upon time and place. Votes on urgent matters may be called by the President and tallied by email or phone, provided a majority responds within the specified timeframe.
Section 5: Board Elections
Election of new directors or election of current directors to a subsequent term will occur as the first item of business at the annual meeting of the Boosters. Board Directors will be elected by a majority vote of the membership present at the annual meeting.
Section 6: Election and Terms of Office
Election: Sixty (60) days prior to the annual meeting, a Nominating Committee of three members shall be appointed by the Board. This Nominating Committee shall present the slate of officers to the Board and then the general membership thirty (30) days prior to the annual meeting. In the event there is nobody nominated or selected to fill a position, the length of service of any current Board member may be extended by one (1) year with the approval of the Board.
Terms: All board members shall serve a one (1) year term, but are eligible for re-election. Each term of office shall begin at the end of the school year. Each officer and director shall hold office until a successor is appointed or elected.
Section 7: Quorum
A majority of the members of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting of the Board.
Section 8: Resignation, Termination, Absences, & Vacancies
There shall be five (5) officer positions as follows: President, Vice President, Co-Treasurers and Secretary. Treasurer positions are shared, (e.g. co-positions), in order to share responsibilities and more effectively transition leadership from one year to the next. The Board of Directors shall occupy the officer positions until such time as the Booster membership can support fulfilling separate Board and Officer positions.
Section 2: Responsibilities
Article V
Section 1: Creation
Committees that are needed for the efficient operation of the Boosters may be designated and established by a resolution adopted by a majority of the Board of Directors. Chairperson(s) of each committee(s) shall be appointed by the Board of Directors.
Section 2: Term of Office
Only members of the Boosters shall be eligible to serve in any appointive position. Each member of a committee shall continue as such until the next annual meeting of the directors and until a successor is appointed, unless the committee shall be terminated, or unless such member shall cease to qualify as a member thereof.
Section 3: Powers and Duties
The powers and duties of each committee shall be determined by the Board of Directors and an appointed Officer shall be charged with the responsibility for oversight of each committee. Special committees may be appointed for a specific purpose and time period, and as such it will go out of existence when the work is done or the goal achieved.
Section 4: Standing Committees established by the Board of Directors
Article VI
Section 1: Fiscal Year
The fiscal year of the Boosters shall begin on the first day of June and end on the last day of May.
Section 2: Audit
An audit will be completed at the end of the fiscal year, by July 31, on a bi-annual basis. Results of the audit shall be made available to the members at the first general meeting following the audit.
Section 3: Checks, Drafts, or Orders
All checks, drafts, or orders issued in the name of the organization shall be signed by one of the Co-Treasurers or. As deemed necessary, by the President.
Section 4: Deposits
All funds collected by the Boosters shall be deposited in the bank account of the North Henderson Band Booster, Inc. within fifteen (15) days of receiving the funds.
Section 5: Funding
Funding for the Boosters is the responsibility of the student’s families and shall include band student fees for Marching Band and Winterguard. Additional funding will be derived from mandatory student/parent participation in fundraising throughout the year. Designated payment schedules will be agreed upon by the Board of Directors based on the budget projections prepared by the Board. All families are expected to meet their obligations on time. All funds and income of whatsoever kind received by the organization shall be used solely for the promotion, improvement, instruction, equipment, transportation, aid and support of the North Henderson High School Band Program.
Section 6: Fees
The amount of fees that are to be paid for each student will be determined and presented at the designated annual meeting. Special assessments and adjustments will be voted on as needed.
In the case of delinquent fees, all rights and privileges of participating in ensembles or events that carry a financial obligation with the North Henderson Band may be suspended until such time as fees are made current. Students/families owing a balance on their band account from the previous year must pay the balance in full by June 1st in order to enroll in marching band for the upcoming year. Examples of these rights and privileges are (but not all inclusive):
A final decision on these privileges and rights within the North Henderson High School Band Program rests with the Band Director.
Section 7: Student Accounts
The Co-Treasurers shall maintain funds and records thereof, remitted by students active in the band. These funds will be maintained as a separate line item from the funds of the organization. Funds in a student’s account can only be used for band expenses or band sponsored activities. Funds remaining in the account of a student at the end of the student’s graduating year, or funds remaining when a band student leaves the band program will be disbursed as follows:
Section 8: Student Assistance Fund
The Boosters will maintain a Student Assistance Fund, amount to be set annually as the Booster’s budget is determined. The Band Director will present, as identified in the course of the school year, a student’s name and financial need to the Board as a request for assistance with either participation fees or Spring trip travel assistance. Upon approval by the Board, the student will be granted financial assistance and the decision documented in the meeting minutes and tracked in the financial records for year-end reporting purposes.
Section 9: Discretionary Fund
The Boosters will maintain a Discretionary Fund, amount to be set annually as the Booster’s budget is determined. This Fund will be used at the Band Director’s discretion to pay for expenses not specifically budgeted or pre-approved by the Boosters. This Fund will also be used to supplement student financial shortfalls while away from home on a High School Band event. All expenditures will be supported with a receipt. This Fund shall be reconciled monthly by the Co-Treasurers.
Section 10: Contracts
The Board of Directors may authorize any officer or officers, agent or agents of the Boosters to enter into a contract or execute and deliver any instrument in the name of and on behalf of the Boosters. The Boosters shall not incur any financial obligation in the name of North Henderson High School or the Henderson County Public Schools. No representative of Henderson County Public Schools shall be authorized to enter into any contract or execute and deliver any instrument in the name of and on behalf of the Boosters other than as provided for in this section.
Section 11: Archive Period
The Boosters shall keep complete books and records of accounts and shall also keep minutes of the proceedings of its meetings of the Boosters membership and Board of Directors. Records will be archived for 7 years.
Article VII
Basic Policies
Section 1: Relationship with School Administration
The North Henderson Band Boosters, Inc. may make recommendations for changes in school programs through the appropriate members of the school staff or administration. The organization shall not interfere with day-to-day operation of the school nor the band program. If at any time the Booster organization as a whole entity should stray from the purpose set forth in the bylaws, the North Henderson High School Band Director and Principal has the authority to initiate procedures to determine if dissolution of the organization is the appropriate course of action.
Section 2: Dissolution Process
Should the North Henderson Band Booster, Inc. desire to dissolve itself, a meeting for this purpose shall be called by the President with a minimum two (2) week notice. A quorum at this meeting shalle be at least fifty (50%0 of the voting membership present. Dissolution shall require approval of two-thirds (2/3) the voting members attending the meeting.
Section 3: Ownership of Equipment Purchases
All equipment and supplies, including but not limited to musical instruments, uniforms and regalia, music, concert attire, etc. purchased by the Boosters for exclusive use of the North Henderson High School Band Program shall become the property of the North Henderson High School Band Program.
Any assets purchased for the support and proper functioning of the North Henderson Band Booster, Inc. shall remain the property of the Boosters, until such time as the organization may be dissolved.
Section 4: Amendments to the Bylaws
The bylaws of the Boosters may be amended at any regular or special meeting by the majority vote of the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors or ten or more of the active membership by signed written petition may initiate an amendment. Amendments shall be effective, if approved, on that date, or on the date specified in the amendment. These bylaws shall be reviewed by the board of directors bi-annually.
These by-laws were adopted by unanimous vote of the Board of Directors on August 2, 2016.
Article I
Name, Location, Purpose & Scope
Section 1: Name
The name of the organization shall be North Henderson Band Boosters, Inc.
Section 2: Location
The address of the North Henderson Band Boosters, Inc. is 224 Thompson St. #233, Hendersonville, NC 28792. The primary meeting location for the North Henderson Band Boosters, Inc. shall be in the Band Room at North Henderson High School at 35 Fruitland Rd., Hendersonville, NC 28792.
Section 3: Purpose
The North Henderson Band Boosters, Inc. (henceforth also referred to as “Boosters”) is organized exclusively for educational and charitable purposes. The purpose of this organization shall be to support the sponsored activities of the band program at North Henderson High School. It is recognized that the school district’s funding is inadequate to support the superior type of band program and activities desired by the Boosters, the Band Director and students.
The Boosters also recognize that the key to active support of the students and activities by members and sponsors is being informed of needs, requirements and events. Accordingly we endeavor to maintain accurate and timely communication with all school administration, Booster members and supporters so that we can fulfill our overriding purposes of:
- Promoting means and opportunities for the education for the public with respect to the study and culture of instrumental music and the enjoyment and wholesome utilization thereof; and
- Assisting the public within the North Henderson High School attendance area in promoting and developing an outstanding music education program.
The Boosters will engage in fundraising activities to supplement school funds in order to enhance the band program and its activities. The Boosters will solicit, collect, and otherwise handle and dispose of funds in the promotion of the North Henderson High School Band with the advice and counsel of the Band Director.
The Boosters shall at all times cooperate with North Henderson High School to support the improvement of music education in ways that will not interfere with the administration of the school and shall not seek to control the school’s policies.
Article II
Section 1: Membership Requirement
Membership in the Boosters is automatic to those parents/guardians of active band students and shall be made available without regards to race, color, religion, sex handicap, national origin or familial status. Membership is open to alumni band students and their parents/guardians interested in advancing the Booster’s purposes as stated in the Articles of Incorporation and who are willing to subscribe to the Bylaws. Only parents/guardians of active band students at North Henderson High School are eligible to hold office, be elected to the Board of Directors and vote at meetings.
Section 2: Member Meetings
Regular meetings: The Boosters membership shall meet once bi-monthly during the school year, unless otherwise provided by resolution of the Boosters or the Board. A quorum shall consist of those members present plus a minimum of two Board Members.
Annual Meeting: An annual meeting will take place in April for the purpose of electing officers and directors, receiving annual reports from officers and committee chairs, approving the budget for the following year, as well as any other business that may arise. A quorum shall consist of those members present plus a minimum of two Board Members.
Special Meetings: The President may call special meetings for the Board, the purpose of the meeting shall be stated in the call. A quorum shall consist of those members present plus a minimum of two Board Members.
Section 3: Voting Rights
Voting members shall be an active member in the North Henderson Band Boosters, Inc. An active member is defined as a parent or guardian in the band program whose student account has not been declared delinquent by the Board. What is deemed delinquent will also be determined by the Board. Each member shall be entitled to one vote on each matter submitted to a vote of the members. A member must be present to vote..
Section 4: Membership Term
Membership in the Boosters shall begin on June 1 and end the following May 31. Members may resign at any time by notifying the current President. Members may be expelled upon motion by the President and verified by a majority of a quorum of the membership present. Before such action is taken, the member concerned shall receive written notification at least two weeks prior to a vote, and be granted an opportunity to be heard at a regular meeting of the Boosters.
Article III
Board of Directors
Section 1: Management
The Board of Directors shall be comprised of the following five elected positions: President; Vice-President; Co-Treasurer; Co-Treasurer; and Secretary. The Board is responsible for the overall policy and direction of the Boosters. The board receives no compensation. The North Henderson High School Band Director has the right to attend and participate at all meetings of the Board, but shall have no voting powers.
Section 2: Board Decisions
The act of a majority of the Executive Board present at a meeting at which a quorum is called, shall be the act of the Board of Directors.
Section 3: Board Relationship with Band Director and School Administration
The Board shall not interfere with the day-to-day operation of the school. The Board will involve the band director in decisions of the Booster’s Board of Directors. If at any time a member of the Board of Directors should stray from the purpose set forth in the bylaws, the North Henderson High School Band Director and Principal has the authority to initiate an appropriate course of action to remove the board member from office.
Section 4: Board Meetings
Regular Meetings: The board shall meet at least monthly, at an agreed upon time and place.
Annual meeting: Each April, at the annual meeting, officers for the upcoming school and fiscal year will be elected and begin a one (1) month transition to their new role which will take effect on the last day of the school year.
Special Meetings: Special meeting of the Board of Directors may be called by the President or at the request of any three directors at an agreed upon time and place. Votes on urgent matters may be called by the President and tallied by email or phone, provided a majority responds within the specified timeframe.
Section 5: Board Elections
Election of new directors or election of current directors to a subsequent term will occur as the first item of business at the annual meeting of the Boosters. Board Directors will be elected by a majority vote of the membership present at the annual meeting.
Section 6: Election and Terms of Office
Election: Sixty (60) days prior to the annual meeting, a Nominating Committee of three members shall be appointed by the Board. This Nominating Committee shall present the slate of officers to the Board and then the general membership thirty (30) days prior to the annual meeting. In the event there is nobody nominated or selected to fill a position, the length of service of any current Board member may be extended by one (1) year with the approval of the Board.
Terms: All board members shall serve a one (1) year term, but are eligible for re-election. Each term of office shall begin at the end of the school year. Each officer and director shall hold office until a successor is appointed or elected.
Section 7: Quorum
A majority of the members of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting of the Board.
Section 8: Resignation, Termination, Absences, & Vacancies
- Resignation from the Board must be in writing and received by the Secretary.
- A Board member shall be dropped for excess absences from the Board if s/he has three (3) unexcused absences from Board meetings in a year.
- A board member may be removed for other reasons by a three-fourths (3/4) vote of the remaining directors.
- When a vacancy on the Board exists, the Secretary may receive nominations for the new member from present Board members two (2) weeks in advance of a Board meeting. These nominations shall be sent out to the Board members with the regular Board meeting announcement, to be voted upon during the next Board meeting. These vacancies will be filled only to the end of the particular Board member’s term.
- Article V
- Officer Positions & Responsibilities
There shall be five (5) officer positions as follows: President, Vice President, Co-Treasurers and Secretary. Treasurer positions are shared, (e.g. co-positions), in order to share responsibilities and more effectively transition leadership from one year to the next. The Board of Directors shall occupy the officer positions until such time as the Booster membership can support fulfilling separate Board and Officer positions.
Section 2: Responsibilities
- President
- Preside over all Board, general and special meetings.
- Prepare meeting agendas, with input from other members of the Board and Band Director.
- Responsible for the general oversight of club activities.
- Sign checks in the absence of a Co-Treasurer.
- Coordinate all Booster activities with the support and approval of the North Henderson High School Band Director and Principal.
- Preside over all Board, general and special meetings.
- Vice-President
- In the absence of the President, preside over all Board, general and special meetings.
- Oversee all fundraising activities.
- Perform other duties as requested by the President, or as required in fulfilling Board duties.
- In the absence of the President, preside over all Board, general and special meetings.
- Co-Treasurers:
- Receive and disburse all funds for the Boosters and keep records in accordance with good accounting practices
- Sign checks, pay bills and make deposits as needed to keep the Boosters in good standing.
- Maintain student accounts for tracking of fees due to the Boosters and report any delinquencies to the Board and Band Director.
- Present an itemized account of expenditures, collections and cash balances as requested, and at regular board and membership meetings.
- Prepare with the elected officers a budget for the coming year to be presented by the board to the general membership 1 month prior to the end of the fiscal year.
- At the end of each fiscal year, have books in order and ready to provide to an authorized person for preparation of all Federal and State reporting requirements.
- Receive and disburse all funds for the Boosters and keep records in accordance with good accounting practices
- Secretary:
- Record and maintain minutes of all meetings. Board meeting minutes shall be sent to all Board members and the Band Director for review and comment.
- Maintain the minutes in accordance with regulatory requirements.
- Maintain all organizing documentation and amendments as required.
- Oversee all internal and external communication activities.
- Record and maintain minutes of all meetings. Board meeting minutes shall be sent to all Board members and the Band Director for review and comment.
Article V
Section 1: Creation
Committees that are needed for the efficient operation of the Boosters may be designated and established by a resolution adopted by a majority of the Board of Directors. Chairperson(s) of each committee(s) shall be appointed by the Board of Directors.
Section 2: Term of Office
Only members of the Boosters shall be eligible to serve in any appointive position. Each member of a committee shall continue as such until the next annual meeting of the directors and until a successor is appointed, unless the committee shall be terminated, or unless such member shall cease to qualify as a member thereof.
Section 3: Powers and Duties
The powers and duties of each committee shall be determined by the Board of Directors and an appointed Officer shall be charged with the responsibility for oversight of each committee. Special committees may be appointed for a specific purpose and time period, and as such it will go out of existence when the work is done or the goal achieved.
Section 4: Standing Committees established by the Board of Directors
- Concessions: Responsible for coordinating the concession run by Booster volunteers for all JV and Varsity Home games and for any other events as requested.
- Meals: Responsible for coordinating the donation of meal items for preparation of Concert Meals and any other meals served to band students and directors or for any event.
- Attire: Responsible for coordinating the maintenance, which includes but is not limited to cleaning and alteration of all North Henderson High School Band uniforms and concert attire.
Article VI
Section 1: Fiscal Year
The fiscal year of the Boosters shall begin on the first day of June and end on the last day of May.
Section 2: Audit
An audit will be completed at the end of the fiscal year, by July 31, on a bi-annual basis. Results of the audit shall be made available to the members at the first general meeting following the audit.
Section 3: Checks, Drafts, or Orders
All checks, drafts, or orders issued in the name of the organization shall be signed by one of the Co-Treasurers or. As deemed necessary, by the President.
Section 4: Deposits
All funds collected by the Boosters shall be deposited in the bank account of the North Henderson Band Booster, Inc. within fifteen (15) days of receiving the funds.
Section 5: Funding
Funding for the Boosters is the responsibility of the student’s families and shall include band student fees for Marching Band and Winterguard. Additional funding will be derived from mandatory student/parent participation in fundraising throughout the year. Designated payment schedules will be agreed upon by the Board of Directors based on the budget projections prepared by the Board. All families are expected to meet their obligations on time. All funds and income of whatsoever kind received by the organization shall be used solely for the promotion, improvement, instruction, equipment, transportation, aid and support of the North Henderson High School Band Program.
Section 6: Fees
The amount of fees that are to be paid for each student will be determined and presented at the designated annual meeting. Special assessments and adjustments will be voted on as needed.
In the case of delinquent fees, all rights and privileges of participating in ensembles or events that carry a financial obligation with the North Henderson Band may be suspended until such time as fees are made current. Students/families owing a balance on their band account from the previous year must pay the balance in full by June 1st in order to enroll in marching band for the upcoming year. Examples of these rights and privileges are (but not all inclusive):
- Participating in any competition
- Receiving any award or scholarship
- Participating in any trip with the band(s)
- Voting on any issue involving the band program
A final decision on these privileges and rights within the North Henderson High School Band Program rests with the Band Director.
Section 7: Student Accounts
The Co-Treasurers shall maintain funds and records thereof, remitted by students active in the band. These funds will be maintained as a separate line item from the funds of the organization. Funds in a student’s account can only be used for band expenses or band sponsored activities. Funds remaining in the account of a student at the end of the student’s graduating year, or funds remaining when a band student leaves the band program will be disbursed as follows:
- Will be applied to any delinquent band fee
- May be transferred to a sibling band student in the North Henderson Band Program if requested by the parent/guardian.
- May be transferred to another band family if requested by the parent/guardian.
- Other than as indicated above, remaining funds revert to the general fund.
Section 8: Student Assistance Fund
The Boosters will maintain a Student Assistance Fund, amount to be set annually as the Booster’s budget is determined. The Band Director will present, as identified in the course of the school year, a student’s name and financial need to the Board as a request for assistance with either participation fees or Spring trip travel assistance. Upon approval by the Board, the student will be granted financial assistance and the decision documented in the meeting minutes and tracked in the financial records for year-end reporting purposes.
Section 9: Discretionary Fund
The Boosters will maintain a Discretionary Fund, amount to be set annually as the Booster’s budget is determined. This Fund will be used at the Band Director’s discretion to pay for expenses not specifically budgeted or pre-approved by the Boosters. This Fund will also be used to supplement student financial shortfalls while away from home on a High School Band event. All expenditures will be supported with a receipt. This Fund shall be reconciled monthly by the Co-Treasurers.
Section 10: Contracts
The Board of Directors may authorize any officer or officers, agent or agents of the Boosters to enter into a contract or execute and deliver any instrument in the name of and on behalf of the Boosters. The Boosters shall not incur any financial obligation in the name of North Henderson High School or the Henderson County Public Schools. No representative of Henderson County Public Schools shall be authorized to enter into any contract or execute and deliver any instrument in the name of and on behalf of the Boosters other than as provided for in this section.
Section 11: Archive Period
The Boosters shall keep complete books and records of accounts and shall also keep minutes of the proceedings of its meetings of the Boosters membership and Board of Directors. Records will be archived for 7 years.
Article VII
Basic Policies
Section 1: Relationship with School Administration
The North Henderson Band Boosters, Inc. may make recommendations for changes in school programs through the appropriate members of the school staff or administration. The organization shall not interfere with day-to-day operation of the school nor the band program. If at any time the Booster organization as a whole entity should stray from the purpose set forth in the bylaws, the North Henderson High School Band Director and Principal has the authority to initiate procedures to determine if dissolution of the organization is the appropriate course of action.
Section 2: Dissolution Process
Should the North Henderson Band Booster, Inc. desire to dissolve itself, a meeting for this purpose shall be called by the President with a minimum two (2) week notice. A quorum at this meeting shalle be at least fifty (50%0 of the voting membership present. Dissolution shall require approval of two-thirds (2/3) the voting members attending the meeting.
Section 3: Ownership of Equipment Purchases
All equipment and supplies, including but not limited to musical instruments, uniforms and regalia, music, concert attire, etc. purchased by the Boosters for exclusive use of the North Henderson High School Band Program shall become the property of the North Henderson High School Band Program.
Any assets purchased for the support and proper functioning of the North Henderson Band Booster, Inc. shall remain the property of the Boosters, until such time as the organization may be dissolved.
Section 4: Amendments to the Bylaws
The bylaws of the Boosters may be amended at any regular or special meeting by the majority vote of the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors or ten or more of the active membership by signed written petition may initiate an amendment. Amendments shall be effective, if approved, on that date, or on the date specified in the amendment. These bylaws shall be reviewed by the board of directors bi-annually.
These by-laws were adopted by unanimous vote of the Board of Directors on August 2, 2016.